and the bottle makes 17 tonight

After two and a half “going away” parties in 4 days, the departure from Columbus is going surprisingly well. Of course, it has come with its obstacles, such as the half-party Friday night, which consisted of a call a little after midnight, just when I had resigned myself to a night of sleep, and in return handed me a couple of shots and a couple of pints in a little more than an hour. Fortunately the folks came down and gave a big hand with the packing/moving thing (including donuts and pizza), because I don’t think my head was going to let me out of bed before 2, much less to carry boxes around.

Saturday night was the “official” event, and the turnout was solid. It was kind of a study in a theory I have, which is that the only way to find out your true friends are the ones that show up to your funeral. And since I’m in no way, shape or form ready for a funeral, a going away party is a pretty good option. A going away party where you tell only those that you want to show up is even better.

For awhile, it seemed like the line “hey, lets do a shot”, was going to turn into “hey, lets see how much Jack we can do before we need a mop or a couple lobotomies”. Fortunately, the Jack stopped at one shot, and the other shots were pretty harmless, though effective. And despite plenty of discussion, there were no napkin games involved.

Two days later, after a nice round of golf, we head back out for more beers, and evenutally an Irish Car Bomb and a shot of water (nice joke, you should try it sometime!)

A less than attractive round of golf, a trip to the car dealership for some recall work, and a bit more packing later, and here I am. And anyone that has ever taken a remedial journalism class has to realize that I just threw down the mother of inverted pyramids. All kinds of news and promise off the top, some creativity and fun, then it fizzles like a dead sparkler. And for that I apologize.

Though I will have to point out, while trying to cut politics out of this site altogether (at least for awhile, I suppose, until I can find a screen capture of Richard Pryor in Brewster’s Millions, with the “None of the Above” campaign in full effect), I *did* get some props at Wizbang this week.

Regardless of political opinions or affiliations, a hellified wit is a terrible thing to waste.